IGNITE! focuses on dialogue, exchange, and cooperation between people and cultures, with the aim of establishing and expanding German networks in the US through philanthropy. It is intended to demonstrate the areas in which Germany and the US complement one another as partners, and can work towards evolving cross cultural and continental philanthropy models and impact together.
Initially developed as a concept intended for the DEUTSCHLANDJAHR USA 2019, the project took a long view of sustainability, and created a series of 10 “Unconventional Events”, that are part transatlantic philanthropy hackathons, part performance art meditation on the power of history to influence the present, and part large scale light/video installations, answering a systemic and deep need for getting-to-know-one-another currently existing in the philanthropic circles. We hold German history at the center of the series as a vehicle to shift paradigms on how modern philanthropy can learn from the past to better create future systemic change and nurture transformation, and we create a new German-American narrative of prosperity, collaboration and security, while building new networks of philanthropists on both sides of the Atlantic.
Why? Most foundations in the US operate in silos and rarely connect with philanthropic entities outside of their domains. Collaborations and learning between German and US foundations are even rarer. A broadening of perspective is critical, and US foundations need to start learning about the German way of doing philanthropy.
A collaboration between Sky(lark) Strategies and Starfish Impact and currently in it’s concept phase, the outcomes of IGNITE! are perceived to be as follows:
We are currently looking for partners and funders.